Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Concern shown in installments

Hi guys ...I hope all who read this are in the pinkest of health. So here i am, trying to write a blog again after quite a while. Well this whole duration of absenteeism from blogs was due to a mixture of laziness, mind blockage and some genuinely busy schedule. Well, anyway, as i assume that you wont be very interested in knowing further reasons for my long hiatus from blogging, i should better hit off with my piece for the day.

The other day i was at my Uncle's place and my aunt, i.e. my Maasi had come over. And as is the usual "tradition" she started asking me about my career, my sister's marriage, my own plans for marriage and bla bla bla. Now here is someone whom i generally meet once a year and for the rest of the year there is no contact. By that i mean, ABSOLUTELY NO CONTACT. So, i begin to wonder why do a lot of people we meet only once in a while, begin to give us grand lectures and advises about what we need to do in life, and then vanish with no intent to even keep in touch. I am sure there must be a lot of people like this in a lot of peoples' lives as well. It is just something that screws one off.

As i begin to wonder about this conundrum, i feel that just like we buy a lot of things on installments, we also receive a few things the same way...Concern is one of them. Now, i do not for a moment doubt my maasi;s or anyone else's intentions when it comes to giving advice or showing concerns. However, when it is not backed by regular update of what is happening in the person;s life, the it begins to feel awkward at the beginning, boils over to irritation and and culminates in either a full blown argument, or a humble request of "Kindly stay away from my space". I do think i belong to the second type, for that is just the way i am. Come to think of it, we Indians really do like to give free advice on matters precisely on which we ourselves have lagged. I include myself in that and i am sure many of you also would belong to that category. I guess it is just the way we are.

But why to take it lying down is my question and actually the answer as well. Sometimes people give advice for the sake of it and at other times they just don't bother to find out what has happened with the concerned person. Now, there are many people of the rebellious nature who would just give it back to the "adviser" with toungue-in-cheek, spiteful words. I believe "ek kaan se suno aur dusre kaan se nikalo". I guess that's one of the most tried and tested methods.

It's another matter that the simmering heat might as well expand to a bursting ball of fire. Till then, happily receive your next installment of concern:-))))